Collections Services for Consumers

Third Party Collections Services for Consumers

Clients A.R.M. offers consumers the services they need to acquire revenue they are owed through exceptional third party collections.

When you’re spending hours upon hours each week managing your accounts and following up with clients regarding billing questions and concerns, you’re losing time that could be better spent elsewhere. The experts at Clients A.R.M. take the tedious and time-consuming accounts management tasks off your plate, so you can go back to focusing on what you do best.

Clients A.R.M. provides outstanding third party collections services.

Credit Management for Clients: We introduce credit management options for new businesses that retain the firm. We can help your project managers or sales staff close that important deal by ensuring that your new client can pay for your services.

Project Management and Training: Clients A.R.M. educates project managers on collection expectations and client relationships as they relate to accounts receivable and billing processes.

Client Relations: Our professionals introduce clients to their project manager as well as the firm’s expectations regarding billing and collections. We also manage all client questions and concerns about billing, collections and credits, and we handle the client exiting process through surveys, thank-you cards, etc.

Billing and Collections: Clients A.R.M. manages the bi-monthly billing process for all billed time. As needed, we handle firms’ day-to-day collections for outstanding invoices or phase retainers.

Get Started with a Free Revenue Process Review

With Clients A.R.M. on board, you can speed up and streamline your accounts management process, minimize hard costs, and maximize revenue. Contact us today for a free revenue process review.